Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm Going to Fun

My work is fun. I have the opportunity to enhance people’s lives with color everyday.
To me this is not work, its fun. Of course there is the day to day busy paperwork and the crisis that pops up from time to time, yet I choose to think of my work as fun. Other wise why would I want to spend most of my days, weeks and months and now years doing it, if it wasn’t fun

To many people dread getting up in the morning because they have to go to work. Why?
Life is too short and so am I. Get up and go to have fun. Enjoy what you do. I wake up happy and looking forward to having fun that day. Most of my days start at 5:00am. I try to get to the gym by 5:30, work out for about an hour, and then head off to fun. Meeting peope. Talking to probable prospects. Having fun.

I plan one activity that will expand my knowledge everyday. Sometimes it’s checking out a new web site at lunch. Often I read industry magazines during a break. Other times it’s leaving the office for a bit and doing something that breaks up the day and gives me added energy. Visiting new stores, a museum or driving down a different street and seeing what's new. I come back refreshed and ready to have more fun.

Calling your job work often makes it just that. Calling your job fun changes your psyche and changes your outlook for the day. Try it for a week and see if you are having more fun than work to do.

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