Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Waiting for the sun to rise.

Leadership is earned, not a given.
Sometimes one finds themselves placed in this position. Others seek it out.
If you are a leader of a group or a company try this exercise. Before the early morning dawn stand facing the west and wait for the sun to rise.You may will it all you want. You can think positively. You may dream it to happen. Yet, simply being positive or optimistic about the outcome will not make it happen. Facing away from the challenge and wishing, hoping or commanding the sun to rise in the west will not make it so.

What does a leader do? Realize that you are not so powerful that you can wish, will or command an object like the sun to move away from its natural cycle. Your employees, volunteers in a group or even your kids are much the same way. People follow leaders that lead. It sounds redundant, however I have found it is a correct statement. A leader has a vision or their goals based on his or her values, plans and activities. A leader then follows the vision with their mission. A simplified statement of purpose and a base for all else that is to be accomplished. Finally, a leader must communicate their vision and mission in a compelling manner that engages the listener in a way that they wish to be lead.

Simple to say, yet it is very challenging to do. I have studied leadership by reading, listening and attending seminars and talks. I have been to management institutes, industry conventions and trade shows too numerous to count. I am still learning about the art and the science of leadership. I have been in leadership positions and have been successful. I have been in leadership positions and failed and I have had to learn that leadership is a moving target that evolves as the group or situation changes. The key is not to lose sight of the one’s vision and mission. Leaders can adapt with new or different information, yet it then has to be redefined and communicated again.

When I think back to the people I have followed in my life, my parents, my teachers, my professional mentors, I see one common thread. It is that they cared about me. They touched my heart and asked that I be a part of their lives. Leaders know how to do this with their actions, their stories and their real world experiences which allow others to follow. Leaders lead from the heart, not from their position. The sun will prove it every time.

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