Monday, June 23, 2008

Service: Rangers Lead the Way

I recently saw a sign that read, “Home of the Free, because of the Brave.” The slogan swiftly made me think of my nephew who serves our country as an Army Ranger. The timing was perfect as he was about to visit us in Colorado for a much needed vacation.
When we meet for lunch, we hugged I mistakenly blurted out the Marines Motto “Semper Fidelis,”-“Always Faithful,” instead of the Rangers motto of "Sua Sponte,”-“Of Their Own Accord.” My nephew laughed and in a gentlemanly way said, “that’s the other guys, were the one’s that “lead the way.” He reminded me of what a great motto the Rangers have.
We spoke in general terms about the Rangers and what he could use when he is deployed. He said, “I really don’t need anything, however, when I’m far from home it’s nice to know I’m not forgotten. Your e-mails are much appreciated.” It made me think how important it is to be in touch.
After our visit I thought about how the Rangers could teach any business the things that are important. Thought: How well am I at being in touch with my customers, suppliers and internal staff to run a well functioning organization?
The Rangers are a regiment of rapidly-deployable light infantry which uses its specialized skills that enable them to perform operations of all types at a moments notice. They can be deployed and respond anywhere in the world within 18 hours notice. Thought: How fast can my business respond to a crisis or opportunity in my sphere of influence? Do I have a plan to respond to situations that my business may face? Do I train enough to execute, as best I can? Am I using my specialized skills to their potential? These are all “moments of truth” to be examined.
The last part of the Rangers creed reads, “Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission, though I be the lone survivor.” Thought: These are words that I should also take to heart given the environment that business is in today. Though I am not in the same life and death situation as our brave soldiers who serve our country, my business is fighting for it’s life everyday. If it does not stay in touch and examine itself constantly it will no longer survive. My business, like the Rangers must “Lead the Way.”

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