Monday, May 9, 2011

How is your PMA?

What, you don’t know what a PMA is? Simply this, Positive Mental Attitude. I have the opportunity to volunteer as facilitator for the Colorado, Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Seminar otherwise known as HOBY. As I prepare for three days of teaching high school sophomores, “how to think, rather than what to think,” I am reminded how important it is to always be positive. PMA applies to more than the privilege of working with youth; it is an integral part of my professional and personal life. In the world of business, attitude is everything. Give me an optimistic, positive, personable individual over a negative naysayer any day. PMA will get you through the toughest, most stressful times in business and in life. PMA will help to focus your thoughts on what’s important to you. In my personal life I recite the Optimist Creed everyday and find its positive message a reminder of what’s important as I face each day.

In the 1950’s Earl Nightingale wrote and recorded, “The Strangest Secret”

The premise of his recording is, we become what we think about. As Mr. Nightingale says, “Actually, it isn’t a secret at all…But very few people have learned it or understand it.” Our success in life depends on using the greatest gift we have, our mind. We can choose to be a success or failure. We have free will to do whatever we set our sights on or reach goals we choose to accomplish. Having a PMA is a choice. The question is, are your choosing wisely?

As a child I can remember reading Watty Piper’s classic, "The Little Engine That Could” Remember, “I think I can, I think I can,” as the little train chugs up the mountainside. What happens as you grow up? You forget that PMA, like, “I think I can,” does get you to where you need to be.

PMA is also a way of life for me. It is something you have to incorporate into your daily routine. I recall my running in the Boulder Bolder 10K. I had never run a race before. I trained, yet I knew if I was going to finish I would have to work on my mind more than my physical being. At the time I had just read Brian Tracy’s book, “Focal Point.” In it is a line that I committed to memory. “Yard by yard it’s hard, inch by inch it’s a cinch.” I repeated that line all the way to the finish line.

Having a PMA will help you cross your own finish line by reconnecting you with your commitment to success. When you decide for yourself to have a PMA you will be like all my HOBY Ambassadors, the one word of choice to describe all good things, OUTSTANDING.

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