Monday, March 23, 2009

Business is GREAT!!!

The idea of attraction says if you hang around successful people you have the opportunity to be successful. If you hang around smart people you have the opportunity to be smart. I believe in this idea and choose to be happy, strive for success and work at being smarter every day. Depending on how you view the preverbal glass, half full or half empty is what your customers pick up on. I choose to say business is great. Is it? You make the call.

Some businesses are booming. Guns sales are up. Adult Beverage Sales are up. Retailers like Dollar Stores and Wal-Mart are up. With every boom and bust cycle there are winners and losers, (as long as government allows the free market to work). The question I ask myself is how can my products and services be apart of the market even when the economy is down? What do I need to do to make sure my well has water in it even in a drought? Planning for these times surely helps. Being lean and efficient is a necessity. I would say that the biggest opportunity a person has is to work on is themselves. Be happy. Be positive. Be someone others wish to be around. Yea, so the news says things “suck.” Choose not to participate in the muck.

The motivational speaker, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones would say “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” You have to get out in the market place and meet people. Join your local Chamber of Commerce and network. Join a non-profit and give your time to a worthy cause. Become a member of an Optimist Club, Lions, Rotary or any other service organization. In time you will get known and in front of people. Give all you can of your time and energy. Volunteer for activities and be known as a happy, positive person that can get things done.

Read anything and everything you can on biographies of successful people, business, history, wealth management, psychology, political science, sports and personal development. Be interesting and knowledgeable about many topics. Listen to books on tape to and from work. Give yourself 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at the end of the day to read and enhance your thinking. Go to lectures and attend seminars that are informative and challenging.

Business is great and only getting better everyday with a positive attitude, an investment in your future and by reading more and meeting someone new every day.

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