Friday, October 5, 2007

The Optimist Way - Part 6

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.

Having a smile on your face says volumes about yourself. A Chinese saying, states, “A man that does not smile should not open a shop”. When I wake up in the morning I open my eyes and smile. One, I am thankful for being alive and second, what a way to start my day. A smile reflects back the world. It affirms my place in it. When I see someone and smile they are likely to smile back. What a gift.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

I am constantly trying to improve my education and understanding of the world. I listen to books on tape when I drive. I download pod cast to listen to when I workout. I attend business seminars and management institutes. I read constantly. I love reading books, and sharing ideas and concepts. This takes a great amount of time and leaves little room for negative sparring. I also volunteer in many worthwhile causes. The Optimist Club, The Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Program (HOBY), C.A.P.P.-Community and Police Partnership, Neighborhood Watch,and my Home Owners Association. I try to be so busy with positive events that I stay away from the trap of pointing my finger. I like the saying, “When you point your finger you have three coming back”.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

This is perhaps the hardest challenge of all. These emotions are all part of the human psyche. I fight these emotions all the time. Yet, by reciting this phase and for that matter the Optimist Creed daily I remind myself that life is not about what happens to us, rather how we react to what happens. Worry, Anger, Fear and Trouble can not control you if you do not allow them to inch their way into your mind. The process for me is top seek the positive on a daily basis. I look at the glass “half full.” I see the clouds as making the sky “partly sunny”. You have to put you mind and your efforts in accord to the positive then words and emotions above have less of a chance of gaining ground.

The Optimist Club has been a passion of mine since 2000. I hope you find your
passion by either joining this wonderful organization or one that “Brings Out The Best In You”

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