Wednesday, May 8, 2019

A TALL MOUSE, a paperweight and an outhouse.

On my desk at work sits a variety of “chachkies,” a Yiddish word meaning trinkets. These were collected with others from my many years of business travel.  These dust-collectors remind me of the past, yet often inspire me to think about events and opportunities in the future.  Three pieces that stand out for me are a ceramic tall mouse, a stone paperweight with the words “Soring into the Future” embossed on it and a rubber outhouse I was handed at a trade show. 

The TALL MOUSE figure I bought from one of my customers in Southern California. Tall Mouse  Arts and Crafts was a four-store chain owned by Jim and Ricki Bremmer.  I was on a courtesy call with his buyer, Kim Donahue who told me the story of how the store got its name. In the mid-1960’s the founders of the company, Richard and Mariam Oehllam were at a New Year’s Eve party with lots of champagne. Party guests were milling around enjoying each other’s company, and they were talking about a name for the store when somebody suggested, “You need to invent a better mousetrap.”  Thinking a mouse trap a bit inhume, someone suggested that it would be better to just “build a better mouse.”  There happened to be a cartoonist at the party who quickly sketched several drawings of different mice, the long-legged mouse stood out and was purchased from the artist.  So basically, as Kim stated, “it is how all good ideas happen—a party, champagne, and a cartoonist!”

The tall mouse reminds me to be creative, to think differently and to not listen to the conventional wisdom.  To follow one’s passion, with vision and enthusiasm.
The paperweight with a stone base was a gift given after graduating from the 1993 Wholesale Florist and Florist Supplier’s of America’s Management Institute held at Cornell University.  Since 1982, there have been 37 Management Institute Institutes and I have attended 29 to date.  I love learning, networking with my industry peers, and experiencing new ways to apply these best practices to our business.  This educational event also helps me share the knowledge I learn with customers who appreciate the ideas I bring them as a valued and trusted advisor. 

This paperweight reminds me to continue to be a life-long learner and to “Soar into the Future” by continuing to grow, challenge and adapt to the changing winds of the marketplace.  It’s often be stated that the only one who likes change is a baby, with a dirty diaper. One should embrace change otherwise you’ll start to stink from within.

Which brings me to the third object in this grouping, a rubber outhouse.  This was a promotional giveaway at a special event show from a waste management company.  In the party, wedding event business if you don’t have a necessary room close by, your event might turn out crappy.  This “stress reliever” is intended to be squeezed when one was feeling overwhelmed and needed to redirect their angst.   I walked up to the folks who were standing in front of a gleaming, outhouse on wheels.  And said, “How’s shit going?” One replied, “Pretty regular” and we all had a good laugh.  A salesman threw me this rubber outhouse and said, “squeeze this the next time you go.  It will help with the experience.”  More laughter. 

The rubber outhouse reminds me to have fun and laugh in your business.  As I have often stated, “I’m going to FUN If it’s work find someone else.”  It also reminds me to, GSD = GET SHIT DONE.  Crude perhaps.  Yet in business, if you don’t GSD you go HUNGRY. 

Three simple souvenirs which sit on my desk.  They remind me to continue to be creative, think differently, to continue life-long learning, to get shit done and have fun doing it. 

1 comment:

The Shrew said...

My Marine Officer Instructor, Major Rick Deichl, had a favorite phrase: "If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right." He was absolutely correct. So are you kind sir. Nice Blog! Z