Thursday, August 25, 2011

Practice, Practice & then Practice some more.

Basketball Hall of Famer, Ed Macauley once said, “When you are not practicing, remember, someone somewhere is practicing, and when you meet him he will win.” Whether you are playing a sport, a musical instrument or rehearsing a business presentation, practice makes you better at what you do. We often look at those who are successful and say, “gee it must be nice to be so talented or lucky." I doubt luck plays a part for most of those at the top of their fields. Top tier people make their own luck by practicing their craft. Most of those that are talented or lucky work darn hard practicing even more to achieve their success to make it look easy. I am sure there are the one or two percent that don’t have to do anything extra and they can get along with their “Midas touch” for a while. Yet, luck usually doesn’t last forever.

I know from my many years of being in business that it takes constant practice to keep and maintain a top tier performance. You might say, how does one practice in business? Several ways. For me, I am constantly reading books, blogs and interesting articles that keep me current on trends, ideas and personal stories that inspire me to constantly practice new ways of doing things. I try to do or implement at least one new thing a week into my routine, often times more. With 52 weeks in a year, that’s 52 new things I learn to do. With practice I can become an expert at many of them. By learning a new idea and implementing it in a way that works for me, often helps keep me engaged, active and eager to learn more.

While driving I listen to books on tape or a podcast that teaches me new ideas. I visit my local library and check out the latest offerings. This also helps me to practice and become a better listener. Listening has become a lost skill. I practice listening often and try to think before I speak. (I can hear my wife now, yea right.)

As a Toastmaster I try to rehearse speeches, quotes and bits of information I find interesting, so I am constantly at the top of my game when called upon to do a impromptu talk or a longer speech. Preparing and practicing for the opportunities that arise, makes it look like it is easy and natural. As any world athletic or musician will tell you. They are not getting paid for their performance today. They are getting paid for all that practicing they did to be at the level they are at today.

What do you do in your business that you practice day after, to be the best? I bet you can do one more thing today, then yesterday and then one more, the next day. Practice makes you the best you can be. Now practice some more so you can go out and win.

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