Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Looking Forward

This is the time of year when news programs and newspapers do their year in review. It can be interesting to look back and see all that has transpired over the past 12 months. As a reader and student of history I like to study how decisions were made and try to understand the consequences that choices have on events and lives. I appreciate taking time to reflect and remember which often helps gives clarity as well as offer up more questions.

Yet, I look forward to spending more of my time living in the moment and planning for the future. I can’t change what was. I can only affect the outcome of my future. I don’t have a crystal ball, nor can I predict the future. However, being an optimist I can forecast how I will shape my next 12 months.

I will think, how can I do better?

I will look for the good and seek the positive.

I will be more thankful every day I have to experience this life.

I will constantly prepare and practice the skills I need, so when an opportunity presents itself I am ready.

I will work towards my constant improvement, physically and mentally, so I can provide for myself, my family, my career and my county.

I will embrace the freedoms, liberties and prosperity of our great land.

I believe today is great and tomorrow will be even greater.

Here is to an awesome 2011.
Happy New Year!

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