Friday, September 18, 2009

Greeting internal and external customers

The sign read, “Welcome Brad Beck from Design Master.” WOW! What a way to be greeted. I was visiting a good customer in New Jersey and as I walked in their front door, that message was there to greet me. My name was prominent above the customer’s colorful logo. Did I feel special? You bet. I was smiling from ear to ear and truly felt like an honored guest in someone’s home. I was put as ease and knew this call would be great. This customer understood that when someone sees or hears their name, it’s makes them feel good and sets a positive mood for discussion.

In the beginning of the spring here in Colorado I did something similar at our office. I purchased a large potted geranium plant and placed it by the back door entrance. This is typically where most of our team members enter our office. I wanted each person to feel good about coming to work so I added a short sign that reads, “Through this door walks the BEST!”, and put our company logo on it. This colorful red flowering plant and that little sign greets our folk’s everyday. Hopefully it puts a smile on their face and reinforces how important they are to the success of our business.

What could you do to welcome your internal and external customers? Is there a special sign or posting you could make, to greet your customers? Little touches like these show someone cares and makes a world of difference in how one feels when we walk into a business. What are you doing to make folks feel welcomed?

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